Rupali Ganguli performer Anupama Country It’s on the news. The show has been receiving all the attention ever since Alisha Parveen was ousted. Recently, the drama has taken a leap forward with the addition of new actors. Shivam Khajuria and Alisha Parveen are in the lead roles as Jodi. They played Prem and Rahi. However, Alisha was eliminated overnight and Adrija Roy entered Rahi. This caused quite a stir as Alicia stated that no reason was given. In the show, we saw Anupamaa sandwiched between Rahi and Mahi.
Mahi is madly in love with Prem. But Prem and Rahi love each other and decide to sacrifice their love for Mahi. Rahi saw how Mahi goes crazy about Prem and can even give up her life for him. Therefore, Rahi decided to back off and let Prem accept Mahi.
However, we saw that during Prem and Mahi’s engagement, Rahi and Prem confessed their love for each other, breaking Mahi’s heart. We also saw Anu accusing them of playing with each other’s emotions. Rahi asked Anu to take decisions on their behalf. Anu decided to get Rahi and Prem married and asked Mahi to forget her love.
What’s New by Anupamaa
She felt that Mahi would suffer from this one-sided love story. Now Prem and Rahi are happy and we have seen some cute moments between them. But now we will see the entry of Prem’s wealthy family. Recently, it was revealed that Zalak Desai and Rahil Azam will be playing Prem’s parents.
The production team also revealed the appearance of the hem. But there is another item. Anupama Country. We will see the emergence of Prem’s rich and controlling grandmother, who will be called Moti Baa. What do you call this relationship? Actress Alka Kaushal participates as Moti baa.
We will see Rahi and Prem’s situation get complicated due to Moti Baa and Anu. Moti Baa drives the car rashly and almost hits Radha. Anu and Moti Baa will have a heated argument that will create revenge and hatred between them.
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