Chris Snellgrove | Posted
I got caught Star Trek: Next Generation In fact, it took a few years to find a space bridge, and the show had a lot of changes in the process. One of the temporary changes is to replace Dr. Crusher in Season 2 with Dr. Full Rasci and bring Crusher back to Season 3. Many wondered why Full Raski was replaced after the second season, but the explanation is very simple. In short, she was angry. There are too many Star Trek fandom.
Dr. Fullaski joins Star Trek
Next generation It was a bit more similar Original series At that time, a new doctor character showed the desire of the creator to convey the initial adventure of Captain Kirk. This is why Diana Muldaur, who played with William SHATNER in the original Star Trek series, played Full Raski. Her characters made Dr. McCoy as a loose model, so she hates using a transport and TNG’s Mr. It has an annoying attitude toward data that is an Android that acts as an Spock version.
But from the beginning, there was a big problem with Full Rasci. Star Trek: Original Series There was sometimes conflict among sailors, Next generation It was a show that all went well together. But when this new doctor came in, she immediately began to face with Captain Picard. She also criticized her for racism, a label that fans never disappeared because they had antagonism on the basis of Android.
In retrospect, you can easily see why you dreamed of Fullas Key’s character. Star Trek: Next Generation producer. She was helped to immediately stand out in the soft and caring mother of Beverly Crusher because she is a strict and gender -changing replica of Dr. McCoy. In addition, the butt head with other characters caused a conflict in the show, which made Gene Roddenberry forbidden and made the writing of Season 1 really difficult. And the fact that MULDAUUR starred Original series This meant that she could overcome older fans who are still worried about the new spin -off show.
Full Raski was not a fan’s favorite player.
All of this sounded good on the paper, but after spending a season to implement Pulaski, the star Trek writer and the producer threw a towel. Producer Rick Bergan later admitted his character, “It didn’t work properly. Dr. Pulaski never firmly solidified.” Therefore, the show did not invite MULDAUR again, but she was not disappointed because the new spin -off felt too much to focus on the technology and to build a character.
One of the biggest reasons why Pulaski did not return to the new spin -off was Star Trek fandom, and many of them were Gates McFadden’s Dr. I started a passionate letter writing campaign to bring Crusher back to the show. They joined the same passionate Patrick Stewart to the personal campaign to bring old colleagues back. The combined pressure of fans and TNG claims was enough for Berman to personally invite MCFADDEN again, and the rest is television history.
Dr. Fullaski had a lot of interesting qualities to make her an attractive character, but she never did well with her cold atmosphere. Star Trek: Next Generation. Fortunately, she was replaced by Killer actor Gates McFadden, who became more famous and popular over time. Eventually, Dr. Crusher became the central figure of the last season. PicardWithout a passionate fan campaign to abandon Diana Mullaur and bring Gates McFadden to her enterprise, the seriously satisfactory conspiracy would never have happened.