Sean Hannity on Wednesday mocked Joe Biden’s re-election campaign’s efforts to attract young voters. But critics thought the Fox News personality actually made a great case for that demographic to vote to reelect the current president.
Biden’s campaign is “rapidly deteriorating” and is now resorting to “very desperate pandering” to attract voters, he said, accusing Hannity, a staunch supporter of former president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
“You can’t make this up. How are you trying to attract young voters? Beer and birth control. Free beer. Free contraception. And I think college tuition is free. ‘Vote for us,’” Hannity scoffed.
Hannity later summarized the Biden campaign’s message: “Beer and birth control and free college. It’s a really good deal. Please vote for us.”
But critics thought the message was quite plausible. Especially when compared to the Republican Party’s war on abortion and reproductive rights.