It was a matter of intense speculation whether Rohit Sharma went to Pakistan for the Champions Trophy 2025 Captains’ Meet. BCCI was moved to a hybrid model where Indian games were played in Dubai against the Indian cricket team to Pakistan, a designated host of the champion trophy. Then Rohit Sharma traveled to Pakistan and practiced a general practice before a large ICC event for the customs captain.
Now, according to CRICBUZZ’s report, Rohit Sharma argued that Rohit Sharma does not need to go to the champion trophy as the International Cricket Council (ICC) and the Pakistan Cricket Committee (PCB) canceled the planned opening ceremony or captain.
In fact, it was “no opening ceremony was not announced by ICC or PCB. The last opening ceremony with all participating players was held in Taka in 2011.”
Another report from the news agency PTI quoted the source that PCB should cancel the captain’s meeting because of the “unusable team of teams due to the schedule.” “All teams are tight before the tournament. England and India are playing the White Ball series while testing in Sri Lanka and playing the ODI series.”
He also said that the PCB will organize the inauguration event for the tournament on February 16 at La Hor instead of the official opening ceremony.
Depending on the tradition, the captain of all participating teams gathers for the tournament pre -photo before the ICC event begins.
The 2025 Champion Trophy, which will be played from February 19 to March 9, will be held in Dubai in three places in Pakistan.
But India will not travel to Pakistan for security reasons, and instead plays in Dubai.
If they can advance to the finals, the title crash will be held in Dubai.
The inauguration will be held at Huzoor Bagh in La Hor.
However, the source confirmed that the PCB chairman of MOHSIN NAQVI approved the scheduled event list before the first match at Karachi’s National Stadium.
The PCB will officially open a modified Gaddafi Stadium invited by Prime Minister Shaba Zhis Sharif on February 7.
On February 11, the PCB starts a national stadium modified in Karachi, and President Asif Ali -Jar Bridge will be invited as the best guest.
“On February 16, we will be inaugurated,” the source said.
He said on February 18 that the United Kingdom would arrive in La Hor on February 18.
“We also decided that there was no official group press conference with the ICC. We decided that everything was available before the tournament or that the official photo shoot could not be taken in one place.”
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