If you want to build a fast, maneuverable, and versatile underwater robot, why not copy what already works in the natural world? That’s exactly what China’s Beatbot has done with its bio-inspired amphibious RoboTurtle.
The autonomous robot, unveiled in prototype form last week at CES, is designed for applications such as ecological research, environmental monitoring, and disaster response.
This allows them to be equipped with hardware such as water sampling devices, GPS modules, ultrasonic sensors, and AI-enabled cameras. The latter is said to allow us to recognize and respond to environmental changes. and Autonomous tracking/tracking of marine animals.
Because RoboTurtle swims by quietly flapping its articulated bionic legs, designers argue it should be less of a nuisance to wildlife than unnatural-looking robots with buzzing propellers. It also has a buoyancy control system that allows it to rise and fall within the water column and float to the surface.
When floating on water, the robot can recharge its batteries via solar panels on its back, transmit recorded data and receive updated mission instructions via satellite. RoboTurtle’s electric legs do Allow it to get out of the water and drag itself along the beach. But that won’t break any speed records.
Exact performance specifications haven’t been released yet, but Beatbot representatives say the robot’s swimming speed is close to that of a real sea turtle, and that it can swim all day long if it takes periodic solar charging breaks.
And yes, it is. This company (best known for its swimming pool cleaning robots) do There are plans to commercially produce the amphibious RoboTurtle. We were told that its size and functionality would be tailored to each customer’s intended use.
That means it won’t be the only robot turtle living in the ocean. Teams at ETH Zurich, the ARROWS project and the National University of Singapore are all developing their own swimming turtlebots.
Source: Bitbot