in Wallace and Gromit: Birds of VengeanceIn the latest from Aardman Animation and Netflix, the claymation duo’s most feared enemy, Feathers McGraw, is back for revenge. In 1993 wrong pantsWallace and Gromit apprehend the Penguin mastermind who stole a huge diamond. Feathers was sentenced to life in prison. Netflix’s new movie begins with Feathers safely locked up and Wallace and Gromit living their lives as local heroes.
But considering Feathers’ absolute demonic genius, dedication to superpowers, and sheer determination in the face of insurmountable odds, I believe he should be released. I understand his vengeance.
(Ed. memo: This post contains spoilers for lighting settings. Wallace and Gromit: Birds of Vengeance.)
Let me present my evidence. Feathers knows how to take advantage of the clumsy humans around him and use their incompetence to his advantage. In a world where pets continue to seem scarce — The greatest bird of revenge It begins with Wallace refusing to pet his dog Gromit or spend time with him! What on earth! — Feathers sees through this nonsense and isn’t afraid to do what she wants.
He’s also adorable. In a strange way. With his glowing, expressionless eyes and stoic face, Feathers inspires fear. I want to give him a little kiss on the top of his round head. I think it’s funny that he knows how to shoot without an opposable thumb.
Everything is stacked against Feathers, but he intelligently identifies the best way to achieve his desired goals by punching holes in the status quo. He turns the community against local hero Wallace! He exploits humans’ dependence on technology by hacking Wallace’s robot gnomes and making them his minions! He takes advantage of the fact that local law enforcement cares more about their reputation than actually helping the community!
I am not defending his crimes. In fact, he stole precious jewels. but I like it a lot Ocean 11Danny and Rusty, Mr. Wolf bad guysAnd as DC Comics’ Catwoman, she has the kind of style and flair that makes her a relatable protagonist instead of a worthy antagonist. I know I’m rooting for him.
fate of feathers The greatest bird of revenge There is room for interpretation. Maybe my plea has already been heard, and writers Mark Burton and Nick Park don’t want their feisty criminal penguins to be sent back to captivity any more than I do. But just in case, send the feathers for free!
Wallace and Gromit: Birds of Vengeance Now streaming on Netflix.