Yuzvendra Chahal broke his long silence after social media rumors emerged that his marriage to Dhanashree Verma was not going well. On Wednesday morning, Danashiri broke her silence amidst the buzz about her divorce. Chahal got engaged to Dhanashree, a YouTuber, dance choreographer and dentist who participated in the reality show Jhalak Dheekha Ja, on August 8, 2020. The couple got married in a private ceremony in Gurgaon on December 22, 2020.
In a lengthy post about “social media posts speculating things that may or may not be true,” Chahal said they had caused him and his family tremendous pain.
“I would like to thank my fans for their consistent love and support. I couldn’t have gotten this far without it. But this journey has been far from OVER!!! Because I still have so many amazing OVERs left to deliver to our country, my team, and For my fans!!! Not only am I proud to be a sportsman, but I understand the curiosity about recent events, especially my personal life. I have noticed certain social media posts speculating about issues that may or may not be true. “It’s true,” he wrote in a long post on his Instagram story. I posted a post.
“As a son, brother and friend, I humbly ask everyone not to fall for these assumptions as they have caused me and my family tremendous pain. My family values have always encouraged me to wish everyone well and achieve It taught me to strive to achieve success through dedication and hard work instead of taking shortcuts, and with divine blessings, I will forever strive to seek your love and support, not your pity.
Earlier, Dhanashree criticized faceless trolls who spread hate.
“The last few days have been incredibly difficult for my family and me. What’s really upsetting is the personal attacks on my reputation by faceless trolls spreading baseless comments and hate without any fact-checking,” Dhanashree wrote in a lengthy post to herself. I wrote it. Instagram Story.
“I have worked hard over the years to build my name and my integrity. My silence is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. Negativity spreads easily online, but it takes courage and compassion to uplift others. .
“I choose to focus on my truth, stick to my values, and move forward. Truth stands tall without the need for justification.”
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