Pavlína Saudková was evaluated last year
Pavlína Saudková (41), the wife of the legendary Czech photographer Jan Saudek (89), has shared experience on social networks since last year. She spent time with her family, dedicated to charity, and found joy in small things.
“I was the most enjoyable again Mom’s roleBowhemian forests, cold water, concerts, or theaters travel naturally. ”She was convinced of her. Pavlína, who raises three children with JAN SAUDEK -MATěj, Anna Mary and Josephine, mentioned that he thanked him for his time dedicated to charity’s charity.
Treatment as a way of understanding and calm
Pavlina dedicated to finding an answer last year and understanding himself through treatment. “I was looking for it again Questions and answers“She tried to see a place that was not clear at first glance,” she explained. Treatment helped her to accept the volatility of the world and to balance even in a complicated time.
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