Aiha Nguyen and Alexandra Mateescu, a researcher at Data & Society, said in a new report on technology and its technologies, “The potential of the production artificial intelligence (AI) that can change the way we work, like other waves of other automation, creates a big topic. Will. Use at work. To get an understanding of how this change will affect employment, according to the report, we argue that we must go beyond the dichotomy between AI, which gives us authority and AI that replaces us.
The advocates of the creation AI argue that it will often improve labor efficiency. The appointment will automate boring work in all sectors, from customer service to medical diagnosis. In fact, the influence of AI is more vague and less magic.
Yes, AI affects the way the task is configured. But workers will not be in essence, except for the strengthened form of exploitation.
There were three effects on the media overdue advertising surrounding AI. First, I forgot that most of this technology will affect work rather than leisure. Second, we exaggerated the ability of AI to duplicate workers’ knowledge and expertise. Finally, the possibility of exploiting legal loopholes, especially in copyright law, is the most important. In general, AI relies heavily on that task for the collection of human tasks by collecting data points and functioning. To develop a successful AI, you need to use intellectual property without consent, but also extract data from workers.
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For example, the operator’s conversation in the call center is used to create an AI chatbot. Workers themselves are not usually paid. The same problem applies to the author who chose the publisher to supply the content to the AI system. For the time being, workers have little willingness to challenge this “unpaid commercialization of labor.” But this new form of exploitation can result in long -term results. The ultimate goal is to replace the work with an algorithm in a way that mannequins replace the model in the world of fashion.
In some industries, progress has been made. For example, the American Association of Voice Actors demanded the actor’s consent when an image or voice was used for AI in AI, which has a limit on the period of use and auxiliary income. Researchers at Data & Society pointed out that “the main asymmetry between the industry and the worker remains a typical state and requires new types of labor rights and workers.
AI is often harmless to work and gradually assimilates to the essential part of the existing work process. In fact, automation rarely replaces workers. Instead, there is a tendency to partially automate certain specific tasks, and above all, it tends to reconstruct the way humans work with the machine. The output of AI should often be used before it can be used. In fact, the artists are now hired to reconstruct synthetic text. It is paid less than it is written as a low value.
We not only use the worker to produce automation, but also limit the parameters of the same task.
Chatbots are getting more and more similar to autonomous vehicles, and if necessary, there is a remote command that can take over control of humans. The effect is to ignore many employees who talk to the bots and correct mistakes. The evaluation of people behind AI often blurs the degree of human work necessary to function properly.
AI can often simplify the work process. For example, in 2023, the National Eating Disorders Association was replaced with a chatbot by dismissing online support staff. The bot was then suspended immediately after being suspected of charges.
Similarly, machine conversion tools are increasingly used instead of human interpreters of the US system to handle asylum applications. This resulted in rejection of obvious errors, such as changing the name to a few months throughout the year or misunderstanding the deadline. Machine translation can reduce costs, but it is too often placed in an inappropriate complex high -level situation.
Finally, researchers point out that AI tends to replace certain types of employees more than other employees, especially juniors or enter level positions. This is obviously expensive in terms of education and essential technologies of junior staff. Such a job also tends to be unbalanced by women and minorities.
The use of AI can play a role in monitoring the workplace and strengthening the “data fiction”. It has greatly expanded the use of automated decision -making, which is already opaque in the eyes of workers. The decision includes automated work allocation, employee evaluation, and disciplinary action.
We not only use the worker to produce automation, but this automation further limits the parameters of the same task. As mentioned earlier, AI monitors call center agents to train chatbots that can replace chatbots. However, the response of the employee is used to manage and regulate the interaction with the employee, so that autonomy is further limited in the infamous feedback loop.
In fact, as pointed out by Aiha Nguyen and Alexandra Mateescu, we present chatbots and AI as virtual assistants rather than virtual supervisors. Such a language helps to hide the opacity and increase control of AI. In fact, the author says, “The critical evaluation of the creation AI in the workplace should begin by requiring incentives for any incentives for incentives to go beyond the promise of increased productivity and promise of productivity.”
In many industries, the adoption of creation AI is led by the prospect that it will reduce cost or production time. It is already widely used in personnel planning tools, especially in retail, logistics and health care. Here, you can optimize practices such as Shothersfaffing and Outsourcing at the same time to exacerbate work conditions and maximize your profits. If you replace the employee with a machine, the worker now strengthens the idea of interchangeable teeth in the machine.
Creating AI is usually adopted to increase production speed and reduce costs. This is carried out by capturing more labor value in the form of labor and worker data and moving to an affordable machine supervised by a cheap employee.
AI means that workers are being reduced by the sum of data. We need to urgently think about how to expand the rights of workers and better protect the data generated in the work process.