Virat Kohli will be with the Delhi Ranji Trophy squad from Tuesday ahead of his first domestic red-ball match since 2012, as the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) prepares to ensure all preparations are in place for the high-flying homecoming. Kohli was officially named in the Ayush Badoni-led Delhi team on Monday for the final group match against Railways at the Arun Jaitley Stadium from January 30. This will be Kohli’s first Ranji match. 2012.
At that time, Kohli was a rising star in Indian cricket, and now he is a legend in his own right, former India skipper and master of 80 centuries.
“Obviously, it is a great experience for our junior players as they will be sharing the dressing room with Virat. If you look at our team, only Navdeep Saini has played with Virat in the IPL and in India. The players in the team have played with Virat in the Ranji Trophy. I did it.
Sharma said, “We know that Virat’s presence raises the profile of the match. Normally we have 10 to 12 personal security guards for Ranji matches on a regular basis, but we will definitely increase security to allow Birat to train. Without interruption.
“We also informed the Delhi police about the match.” Ranji matches are free for spectators but normally they open one stand but for this match DDCA will open three stands at Ambedkar Stadium End.
“Gate Nos. 7, 15 and 16 will be open to the public. We have drinking water ready and the toilets are clean and hygienic. Come and enjoy the match. Of course, there will be a security check before being allowed to do so,” Sharma said.
There is currently no live television broadcast or streaming
While Kohli’s presence coincides with some of the most notable domestic games in the recent past being Delhi vs Railways, there is bad news for the fans as there is currently no provision to televise the Marquee Clash.
“We don’t know if the BCCI will be ready at the last minute since Kohli plays, but we have not hinted anything about the broadcast of this game. Normally, every big center gets one live game (on TV or streaming). We The televised match against Tamil Nadu is fixed months in advance.
The decision to conduct the Telecast Mumbai vs J&K game was taken much earlier and it was a coincidence that India skipper Rohit Sharma and Rising Star Yashasvi Jaiswal were a part of the game.
“In the next round, the main match that will be broadcast as well as live streaming is Karnataka vs Haryana at Chinnaswamy. Two matches will be streamed – one of them is Bengal vs Punjab at Eden Gardens. It is the third match, but currently it is against Delhi and “It’s not related,” he said.
Even if the BCCI decides to arrange live streaming in the next 48 hours, it will be a logistical challenge requiring multiple camera setups and crew representatives.
Squad: Ayush Badoni (capt), Virat Kohli, Pranav Rajvanshi (wk), Sanat Sangwan, Arpit Rana, Mayank Gusain, Shivam Sharma, Sumit Mathur, Vansh Bedi (wk), Vansh Bedi (wk) MA, Navdeep Saini, Yash Dhull , Gagan Vats, Jonty Sidhu, Himmat Singh, Vaibhav Kandpal, Rahul Gehlot, Jitesh Singh.
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