XRd Containerized version Where iOS-XR is available experiment Platform included–Independent features and deployment them On any on-premises or cloud infrastructure. offer all benefits using container Network operating.
XRd provides all aspects of the programmability of IOS-XR, including Telemetry and YANG models.S Ideal for developers and network engineers..
The XRd sandbox starts XRd and Explore network programmability.
XRd is available in two variants: XRd control bloodlane and XRd vRouter. XRd aspiratecontrol bloodlane is Ideal for compute use cases such as Virtual Route Reflector (vRR) or Path Compute Element (PCE).. vRouter designed to deliver traffic efficiently and It can also handle control plane calculations.
that XRd Sandbox use XRd aspiratecontrol bloodlaneThis is ideal for Exploration and experimentation purposesses.
XRd requires: specific Kernel settings The sandbox is already configured for proper operation on the host. With this setting.
There are several ways to deploy XRd.include using teaEraform, hourelm tree or bloodAcker. but, we used docker-compose Because sandboxes are simple and easy to manage.
For this sandbox, we Based on Sample Segment Routing topology that xrd-Tools GitHub repository. we are custom compose format called XR-YAML, and The full settings are distributioned at once virtual machine (VM) using docker-compose.
AfNew changes were needed for the topology to work. first, we updated Specifying an IP address for the management network match that available resources to Sandbox.
second, we used that McBlann dusury drive So each XRd container had itself IP address Instead of sharing IP address With host VM.
reference XRd Sandbox GitHub repository for details and explore Configuration file used to create the sandbox.
The laboratory provides everything you need.; youI will do it You just need to create a compose file to use next. docher aspirateoppose This file is created using: XR-Written Script from xrd-tools.
next, Update the compose file generated by xr-compose to point to the correct container interface for the macvlan driver to create.
Sandbox guidelines include: complete list of needs command.
To start the experiment: Look for it XRd sandbox to ciscosandbox page.
LMake a reservation and follow the instructions. use command Create and start the topology.
that XRd The sandbox is perfect for getting used to it. XRdHow does it work?, Play using the default network protocol (yes: ISISOSPF, BGP, MPLS, SR) Or explore programmable use cases using YANG, NETCONF, and GNMI.
When developing a sandbox, we We ran into a problem. we Suddenly the SSH connection to the VM was lost. when docker compose creation Topology.
It turns out that links between XRd containers are created using a docker bridge, which selects the IP segment used by the sandbox infrastructure, effectively blackholing the traffic. To fix this issue, I had to configure the default address pool to use an unused IP segment.
After applying this configuration the problem is: Solved.
Here are some resources to help you get started: XRd:
additional LABS can be used in “directories.~/xrd-Tools/Samples/xr_compose_topos” In the sandbox.
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