Bluey‘s rise in the world of popular culture continues. An Australian animated series about cartoon dogs aimed at young children will be turned into a movie in 2027. This year, the ultimate franchise status symbol will be awarded: a LEGO set.
Lego announced Thursday that six Bluey sets will be released in 2025. This set has not been released yet. It is scheduled to be released in spring. However, LEGO has stated that this set will be part of the Duplo and 4+ lines. A simple set aimed at the show’s young audience. LEGO teased the set with images and a cute video clip that reference the iconic silhouettes and colors of blue heel dog Bluey and her sister Bingo.
BlueySometimes controversial, always funny, often touching, and often genius-level, the episodes follow the Heeler family as they use imaginative play to explore life’s many mysteries and foibles. “Partnership (Lego and Bluey licensor BBC Studios) aims to create equally fun moments of imaginative role-play and creativity as families build, connect and play out their favorite scenes from the show,” Lego said in a press release.
It’s a perfect match. In fact, considering the volume, it’s surprising it didn’t happen sooner. Bluey The merchandise is already out there (including, sadly, a terrible video game). BlueyMany adult fans of “Sleepytime” may be disappointed that they don’t get 1,000 dioramas of the Healer House or the solar system, but they may also know that it’s not about them. And anyone can appreciate the introduction of Bingo Orange into the Lego color palette.