Bigg Boss 18 curler chum darang When she arrived at the event in Mumbai, she turned her head and wore a glamorous sparkling flanzy neck gown, harassing the handle, and cutting out of the waist. The gorgeous actress, who continues to create a headline with the Bigg Boss 18 winner, Karan Veer Mehra, showed her as a suitable accessory. Chum looked sensual while showing off an amazing figure while she was taking a picture before the event. She styled her long lock on her rolls and beat several hearts with a playful bullshit with paparazzi.
This video has gained numerous opinions from Chum’s fans. One opinion praised “OMG! Chum Darang is pure perfection.” Other users simply wrote “gorgeous”. The next user pointed out that “she looks like a Hollywood actress and a model.” Chum recently reunited with friends Shirodkar, Karan Veer Mehra and Digvijayee Rathee. Photos and videos are in viruses in social media.
Karan also said, “KISI K Haat Ki Taqdeer Hai Dost, Humre Pass Joe Tasveer Hai Dost, Nazar Aayye Toh ussay Dur Rehna, Mohobat Ek Udta Teer Hai Dost has been uploaded. (Someone’s fate is in their hands. My friend. I’m just a picture. It’s my friend. If you see it, do it away. Love is a flying arrow, my friend. ”
Chum Darang said in the answer to the post, “Hum Do, Hamare is Do. I love us. Infinite and beyond that. My macchardani gang !!! ”
Before that, Karan Veer Mehra shared a Seveal photo with Chum Darang.
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