COLOGNE, January 28, 2025 -Robots are used in more and more areas from factory production to caring for the elderly. IgUS has now opened the RBTX Academy so that all sized companies can make full advantage of the potential of automation solutions and increase their competitiveness. Here, the stakeholder can work directly in the real robot to learn the basics of robot technology or deepen the robot programming technology. For the first time, the RBTX Academy opened on January 25 at the Igus in the factory of Cologne Pors-Lind.
Robots are gradually reducing the privilege of large companies with sufficient know -how and budget. SMEs also succeeded in innovating automation thanks to the IGU’s market RBTX, which also provides cost -effective and turny robot solutions. In order to further simplify the operation of these solutions, Igus held the RBTX Academy on January 25, 2025. Alexander Mühlens, the cheapest automation officer of Igus, said, “Customers who buy cheap robots through the market can now book the curriculum to learn robot programming from the beginning or deepen the technology. “The actual training course is a family -style small group that takes place in Cologne and is adjusted to meet the individual needs of the participants to provide the greatest benefits. In addition, countries such as Munich and Os and Brook will launch proposals in countries such as the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain. At the same time, the dress rehearsal of the Robocup Junior 2025 was made, and visitors have already learned the Academy. Through the dress rehearsal, Igus gives students the opportunity to test their own development robots in the competition before going to the NRW qualifier tournament. Igus Robotics experts are on your side to find and optimize the final technical error.
From simple movements to complex integration of the system environment
In the actual training of the RBTX Academy, participants learn how to deal with Igus robot control control software. This software creates a virtual twin of the robot to simulate movements and movements in real time. In this way, the moving sequence can be planned, tested and optimized through a user -friendly surface. Then you can move the program to a real robot in the next step. For example, it performs the same tasks such as rebel cobot for joint arm robot. “This method enables efficient automation for beginners. In general, you can create the first simple movement in an hour. ”Mühlens says. Igus also offers expert education that can be deeply involved in programming. “For example, participants learn how to integrate low -cost robots into complex automation environments. With other systems, the course participants can train with the control of other manufacturers, including EPSON and Universal Robot, and walk.
The showroom, which has a cheap robotics, will inspire future automation projects.
During training, you can visit the 400 -square -meter customer test area. IgUS offers robot engineering applications with more than 130 major manufacturers and can be found online on the RBTX marketplace. This is because they do not create a finished solution with robots alone. Visitors can experience a variety of applications in the field, from the Pick and Place of the conveyor belt with the SCARA robot, using the portal robot as a portal robot to adhesive to the REVEL COBOT. Special features: All components of are combined in advance and compatible tests are performed so that users are safe for each configuration and find solutions suitable for individual applications. “Our motto is’ automate the factory at 2,000 euros.” It means that we always focus on inexpensive robot solutions. ”Mühlens emphasizes.