Washington- Children in the United States continued to lose their basis for reading technology after Covid-19 Pandemic, and mathematics was rarely improved according to the latest results of the test known as the US report card.
The findings are another frustration of American schools and reflect numerous challenges that have been educated, from the closure of the fashionable school to the youth mental health crisis, and the numerous challenges of education and high chronic absence. The national test results also show that inequality is increasing. Students with the highest achievements have begun to regain their lost lands, but the lowest students are falling behind.
Every two years, national evaluation of national education for samples of American children is considered one of the best gauge in the academic progress of the American school system. The most recent test was managed in all states in early 2024 and tested 4th and 8th graders for mathematics and reading.
Peggy Carr, a commissioner at the National Center for Education Statistics, said, “The news is not good.” “We do not see the progress needed to regain the lost land during the epidemic period.”
Among some bright points, there was an improvement in the fourth grade mathematics, with an average score of 2 points on 500 scales. Three points were lower than the average of the floods in 2019, but some states and earths have made significant progress. The average score in Washington DC has increased by 10 points.
In most cases, however, American schools have not yet begun.
The average mathematics score of 8th grade students has not changed in 2022, and the reading score has decreased by two points at the second grade. One -third of the 8th grade students scored more than “basic” in the history of evaluation.
If the basic technology is missing, students are considered below the basics. For example, 8th grade students who scored under the basics in reading generally could not make a brief reasoning about the motivation of the character after reading a short story, and some mean the word “diligent” means “working hard” I could not identify.
In particular, what was surprising for civil servants was the division between the high school students and the low performance students. Students with the highest score surpassed their colleagues for two years and made the land lost during the epidemic. However, the lowest achievements are lower and lower.
It was the most prominent in 8th grade mathematics. The top 10%of students scored three points, while at least 10%decreased by 6 points.
It can reflect family investments in the recovery of high -performance students. Eric Mackey, an Alabama Education Superintendent, said, “A family with resources hired additional teachers and received additional support for what happened in the classroom.” There are opportunities and resources that are still struggling. ”
The latest frustration followed the back slide after the historic van blood of 2022. In the year’s exam, student achievement dropped to both subjects and grades, in some cases.
The test rounds were again confused by infectious diseases. When Covid hit in 2020, fourth grade was in kindergarten. 8th grade students were in fourth grade.
But CARR warned that bad results can no longer be criticized for the infectious diseases, and that the nation’s education system is facing a “complex challenge.”
The survey conducted with the exams found in 2022 was read by fewer younger students for pleasure, which is related to lower reading scores. According to the new survey results, students who often absent from classes, which are continuous problems nationwide, are having the most difficult.
The results provide new fuel for national discussions on the impact of the closure of the epidemic school, but it is unlikely to add clarity. Some studies have shown that longer closure causes more academic confusion. In the slow heat, people were in the city and the Democratic Party, and more rural and Republican -led areas were faster.
CARR says the new result does not show a “direct link” on this topic, Carr said.
In 2024, the weeks of the low reading scores were Florida and Arizona, one of the first people who returned to the classroom during the epidemic. Some longer finishes have made progress in fourth grade mathematics, including Los Angeles and New York City.
The success of the metropolitan district, which had seen notable improvements in the fourth grade mathematics, could be recognized as an academic recovery effort to fund funds. City school. Investing in intensive recognition programs and curriculum updates, “It is proved to actually make a change.”
Outside the classroom, changes in the age of fashion in childhood can also affect scores.
“We must investigate what social media and screen -based childhood injuries are doing for reading skills.
Mackey said that parents should listen to reading and reading with their children, MacKey said. “We are concerned that we don’t have enough time for students to spend too much time on the phone and read books.
West also pointed out at school, but students are reading and writing. Last year, the majority of 8th graders said that teachers have asked for some sentences on tasks of less than six times a year.
Robin Lake at the Public Education Re -creation Center said, “There is no fact that the relationship, high quality teachers and actually participating and high levels of classrooms are most important to children.
The US Ministry of Education said that despite the next annual funding of “heartbreaking,” the students have failed the educational system that have failed, and reflect more than $ 190 billion in federal infectious diseases.
In the statement, the Trump administration is trying to finance the educational system to fully strengthen our education system, prioritize meaningful learning, and provide universal access to high -quality education. “Change must happen and now happen now.”
The Republican Republican Party quickly condemned the executive of former President Cho Viden.
Tim Walberg, CEO of the House of Representatives and Human Resources Committee, said, “This reduction is a reflection of educational bureaucrats that continue to focus on waking policies rather than helping students learn.”
Compared to the results of 2019, the 8th grade reading score has now decreased by eight points. Reading scores decrease by 5 points in both schools. And in the fourth grade mathematics, the score decreased by 3 points.
But officials say there is an optimistic reason. CARR emphasized improvement in Alabama, who has now achieved its feats in the fourth grade mathematics in Louisiana.
CARR was especially praised by Louisiana, and a campaign that improves reading comprehension has resulted in both students who exceed the 2019 score and low -performance students.
She focused on the state’s focus on reading science, a research support approach that focuses on teaching Phonics as children destroy them towards the literacy. This concept was accepted by Republicans and Democrats and was recognized as a profit in some states.
Carr said, “We do not say that hope is gone and we won’t say that we can’t turn this. “We have proved that we can.”
Annie MA contributed to Washington’s report and Sharon Lurye contributed to New Orleans.
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