actor and singer Anichka Slovachkovawho is battling insidious cancer delivered encouraging news to fans. Her journey to recovery has had its twists and turns, but this week has given her reason to be happy.
A tough start to the week
It wasn’t an easy start to the week for Anička. As the website points out, she shared a photo on Monday showing a mug with the words: “It’ll be okay.”. She added that on this day she believed more than ever that everything would work out. Her honesty won the hearts of her fans, who expressed their continued support.
Promising plans for spring and summer
But on Wednesday she brought some optimistic news that has already delighted her fans. “Our diary with the band is filling up the spring and summer, And I’m so excited for all the places we’ll take you,” she wrote on her Instagram. She emphasized that she has no plans to cancel concerts or take a break.
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