Aryan Khan and Shah Rukh Khan They make the most amazing father-son duo. Shah Rukh Khan has always been close to his family and it is fun to see how closely they are connected to each other. Recently, Raghav Juyal spoke about father and son. Raghav is currently enjoying the success of his film Kill. The film is winning hearts and people are showering love on him, Laksh Lalwani and other actors in the film. Raghav recently spoke about Aryan’s manners in an interview and also talked about spending time with SRK and his family.
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Raghav Juyal talks about Aryan Khan and Shah Rukh Khan.
Raghav spoke to Instant Bollywood and said that Aryan is very cultured and has habits like his father, so when he is at his house, he comes and drops him off at the door. Raghav said that he and Laksh got the chance to party. Shah Rukh Khan By 7am on his birthday, this memory will be one he will cherish for a long time.
He said SRK made everyone feel special and if he invited 100 guests, everyone would feel special. Raghav also recalled that he made sure not to leave before the superstar left as he wanted to see Shah Rukh Khan off.
Raghav dropped the actor in his car and it was the best moment of his life. He also talked about Aryan and said that only your upbringing and culture can imbibe your good qualities. He said that Shah Rukh Khan’s manners and upbringing are reflected in his children and Aryan is an example of that.
Watch Shah Rukh Khan’s video.
Aryan Khan is all set to rise to stardom soon.
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