Only the owner knows how strong and special the bond between a person and a small pet can become over time. The pet and its owner can experience emotions and experiences that they would never experience with another person.
People’s high devotion to their pets can be attributed to the following facts: Animals radiate a sense of security, love, and unconditional acceptance. This is true even in situations where no one else can provide it.
Although this fact has already been scientifically proven, attachment to pets can sometimes go to extremes on a human level.
Especially if you have experienced great disappointment or in some cases They live their daily lives in isolation. And through contact with other humans, they can form much closer bonds with their pets than they normally would.
Based on this data, researchers recently investigated how the loss of our only pet affects its owners, as in such cases we talk about grief and even experience it more intensely as if we had lost a loved one.
Pets are often euthanized due to incurable diseases. However, the guilt associated with this decision can be very debilitating for the grieving caregiver. For example, some studies have shown that disagreements between family members can lead to serious conflicts in family dynamics.
but In other situations, euthanasia may be a good solution, allowing you to prepare in time for the loss of your pet. Because it gives us a chance to say our final goodbyes before we really let them go.
But there are very different views on animal euthanasia, according to an Israeli survey. Of those who made this decision, 83% believed they did the right thing. . In contrast, the Canadian study found that: 16% of owners in this situation feel like murderers. .
But when we look at the numbers for the United States, we see this: 41% of owners who choose euthanasia experience severe guilt after making the decision. Another 4% explicitly considered suicide because their small pet allowed them to do so.
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